Hassan Hayek Expresses Concern

Last I heard, sad news rocked the entertainment world when entrepreneur Hassan Hayek revealed that DJ Freezer was sick and hospitalized. This information was released during a live on Hassan Hayek’s Facebook page, causing concern among fans of the famous DJ.

Hassan Hayek said: “DJ Freezer is sick, he is not well. It’s been 6 days since he went to the bathroom. He can’t urinate or defecate. So I asked that we send him to the University Hospital of Angré, but they suggested that I take him to Cocody instead. I don’t know what’s going on. The channel through which urine should come out is clogged. So maybe tomorrow we can wake up and find out he’s left us. When a human being can no longer pee, then his kidneys are affected. His bladder is inflating, his stomach is bloated. He also has heartache. »

READ ALSO: DJ Freezer: Disturbing revelations about his disappearance

The disturbing announcement of the DJ Freezer Disease

Freezer situation has caused serious concern, especially since his symptoms seem serious and worrying. News of her illness quickly circulated on social media, prompting an outpouring of concern and support from her fans and colleagues in the entertainment world.

Hassan Hayek did not hesitate to express his frustration with those who were supposed to watch over DJ Freezer. He accused them of failing in their duty, saying: “If the child’s condition has worsened, I am not responsible. So you screw up people’s lives, and we come and fix it? The child is currently in the hospital, but we cannot see you. You took advantage of a handicapped person, God sees you. All those who have eaten this child’s money, they will pay it. »

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There health of the young artist recently on tour France therefore remains a major concern, and his loved ones, as well as his fans, hope that he will receive the necessary care to recover quickly.

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