He diverted me and just told me that it’s over between us. I have pain, what to do?

One of our fans wrote to us asking how to get over the pain she is going through right now, after her boyfriend told her on the phone that it was over between them one day after taking her virginity.

Here’s what she wrote: Good day, I’m going through a lot right now. I saw that your website publishes confessions and I need your help.

My name is Susan. I’m 19. I had been dating this guy I had met in college for 6 months and we never had sex. he was kind, caring, and just the kind of man I had always dreamed of.

I always told myself that only the man who married me would penetrate me, but the love I have for this guy grew so much that I could no longer resist his advances to have sex with me. Until last week we did what we did.

I was so shy and felt gross for breaking my promises, but at the same time satisfying the guy I love. I felt good and hurt at the same time. After the incident, he left. I thought he would like me more after seeing me for the first time but it was quite the opposite.

The next day he called me and told me he couldn’t continue with me. that he got what he wanted from me. that I’m not the type of girl he can hang out with. Insulted me and called me all kinds of names. he even said that I was a prostitute. I thought he was joking but he was serious until I realized he blocked me from facebook, whatsapp and calls.

It’s been 5 days now no calls from him and I can’t reach him either. every time I go to his house, he is not at his house. I do not know what to do. I love him so much. I need your advice . I’m so hurt and I think I can kill myself. The pain is too much please help me. What to do ?

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Mots clés: #diverted #told #pain

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