He Knocks Down His Wife In The Car But Says He Didn’t Realize It

Morbihan: he overturns his wife in the car but says he did not realize it

In a tragic scene that shook the department of Morbihan, a man accidentally knocked down his wife in the car in the town of Vannes. However, what arouses the indignation of many witnesses and residents is that the driver claims not to have realized the accident.

The facts took place last night, when the couple returned home after an evening spent with the family. The 55-year-old victim was walking on the sidewalk when she was hit by the vehicle driven by her husband. Witnesses present at the scene immediately alerted the emergency services and tried to assist the injured woman.

The scene was described as a real nightmare for the inhabitants of the commune, who witnessed the accident. Some of them expressed their anger at the attitude of the driver, who they believed could have avoided the accident if he had been vigilant.

Local authorities are currently conducting an investigation to determine the exact circumstances of the accident. The driver was subjected to a blood alcohol test which turned out to be negative, which excludes the hypothesis of drunk driving. However, it remains to be determined if the driver was distracted, tired or if there was a mechanical problem with the vehicle.

In a statement to investigators, the man said he did not realize he had hit his wife with his car. He would have been surprised by the reaction of the witnesses who confronted him with the sad reality of the accident.

This tragic event highlights the importance of caution and attention when driving a vehicle. It also recalls the need for increased supervision of older drivers, whose abilities can sometimes decline. Road safety professionals often emphasize the importance of regularly checking the health of senior drivers, including performing annual health checks.

Pending the conclusions of the investigation, many voices are rising to demand an exemplary punishment if the driver is found guilty of negligence causing serious injury to his wife. This case also raises questions about the need to strengthen road safety measures, in particular by making drivers more aware of the importance of concentration and vigilance while driving.

While waiting for the truth to come out, the inhabitants of Morbihan express their deep sympathy for the victim and hope that he will recover quickly from his injuries.

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Mots clés: #Knocks #Wife #Car #Didnt #Realize

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