HI Recruits 01 Emergency Operations Officer

HI recruits 01 Emergency Operations Officer

Ad detail 000-022-JVO-5105

Lyon – An “Emergency Operations Officer” (M/F)

Country: France

City: Lyon – FRANCE

Start date: 02/09/2019

Duration of the mission: 4 months

Closing date for applications: 28/07/2019

Ad reference: 000-022-JVO-5105


Outraged at the injustice experienced by people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, we aspire to a united and inclusive world, where all differences enrich us and where everyone can live upright.

The Handicap International network changes its name and becomes “Humanity & Inclusion”.

HI, Humanity & Inclusion is an independent and impartial international solidarity organization which intervenes in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflicts and disasters. Working alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, it acts and testifies to meet their basic needs, to improve their living conditions and to promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.

Present in 63 countries, HI implements activities in the service of vulnerable populations, refugee, displaced and disaster-stricken populations, people who have been injured and populations exposed to the danger of weapons, ammunition and explosive devices.

HI is committed to an employment policy in favor of disabled workers.


Humanity & Inclusion’s Operations Department (DO) was recently reorganized around 5 Geographical Departments, four Technical Departments, a cross-functional Department in charge of Impact, Innovation and Data Management and a Emergency.

The Emergency Department (DU) is currently composed of:

– a team of 4 people working on monitoring, alert and emergency preparedness (REACT)

– a team of emergency physicians who can be mobilized for emergencies

– a team of 3 people in charge of emergency follow-up

HI is looking for an Emergency Operations Officer for its DU for a reinforcement for an initial period of 4 months from September.

Within the DU, and under the responsibility of the Emergency Manager, you are responsible for the operational monitoring, both qualitative and quantitative, of the emergency responses implemented in the field and of compliance with the frameworks allocated:

– or directly in the case of a response led by the Emergency Department (ad-hoc response)

– either in support of the Geographical Directions in the case of a response led by a Geographical Direction (Geographical Response)


Control of the implementation of the HI strategy in the programs (ad hoc response)

– You contribute to the production and/or revision of activity reports of the Emergency Department

-You monitor programs by updating dashboards/liaison tools: donor deadlines & funding search indicators, key indicators for operational monitoring, recruitment, implementation of institutional policies;

– You alert the Emergency Manager or the other services concerned in the event of problems and recommend actions to be taken;

-You ensure that a quality control mechanism for projects and programs is put in place: you carry out quality audits on the project cycle and you ensure that the other departments concerned implement it – according to processes and tools adapted to the emergency;

– You replace the Emergency Manager on certain subjects in his absence;

Support for programs in the implementation of operations and problem solving (ad-hoc response)

-You ensure regular and formalized communication with the teams in the field;

-During an emergency opening, you facilitate problem solving, contribute to mobilization and support the teams. If necessary, you directly provide grant management or project monitoring. You coordinate and communicate with the National Associations, contribute to monitoring and alerts in conjunction with the REACT team;

-You contribute to the development of the emergency response strategy, with particular emphasis on the emergency strategy;

-You provide briefings and debriefings for departing/returning international staff;

– You facilitate coordination and communication with the teams functionally attached to the DU (shared services, specialists from the Technical Departments, etc.): animation of information or coordination meetings, sharing of information, escalation of alerts if necessary , etc ;

-You facilitate the transfer of a program to its counterpart and facilitates capitalization and sharing;

Support for Geographical Directions in emergency responses (Geographical Response)

-You alert the Emergency Manager to major issues encountered in emergency responses in terms of relevance, responsiveness and quality;

– You support, in conjunction with the REACT team, the Geographical Directions in the implementation of emergency responses by providing methodological guidance on all stages of the project cycle, on grant management relating to donors emergency. You contribute to the “emergency” component of operational strategies, to the definition of the emergency operational strategy. You facilitate capitalization exercises

Improving program capacities in emergency response (Cross-sectional)


 Ideally holder of a Master’s degree in International Cooperation, Political or Social Sciences, you have at least two years of experience in project management in emergency humanitarian fields, in a multidisciplinary and multicultural team;

 Ideally you know HI, its orientations and its mode of operation

 You have a perfect command of project engineering;

 You know the main emergency donors;

 You have very good capacity for formalizing tools and procedures;

 Bilingual English/French, you have good listening, facilitation and coordination skills




• Type of contract: 4-month fixed-term contract renewable from September 2019

• Tickets Restaurant, Mutual

• 39 hours per week with 22.5 days of RTT to be taken annually

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