His Lawyer Has Just Reacted Following the Suspension!

The midfielder of the France team and Juventus Turin, Paul Pogbawas suspended after testing positive for testosterone, his lawyer said.

Will we one day see Paul Pogba on a football pitch again?

Although he has participated in Juventus’ last two matches since the start of the season, the French international is once again suffering from physical problems and is currently absent from the field. But we learned today from the Italian press that he tested positive for testosterone. The review led to a provisional suspension by the Italian anti-doping court earlier this evening.

Paul Pogba: His lawyer has just reacted following the suspension!

The statement from Paul Pogba’s lawyer

The first reaction from the player’s family was given in an interview with RMC Sports through his agent Rafaela Pimenta. “ We are waiting for the counter-analyses and we cannot have an opinion before the results. What is certain is that Paul Pogba never wanted to break a rule“, she said. The next few days promise to be crucial since the player could be suspended for up to four years.

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→ READ ALSO: Paul Pogba towards an early end to his career? the reason !

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Mots clés: #Lawyer #Reacted #Suspension

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