Holidays: Cold Showers In Summer, Really So Virtuous?

VIDEO – Holidays: cold showers in summer, really so virtuous?

During the summer, many people look for ways to cool off and rejuvenate. Among the various tips suggested, showering with cold water is at the top of the list. But is it really beneficial for health and the environment?

Hydrotherapy enthusiasts claim that cold showers have many benefits for our physical and mental well-being. A cold shower would promote blood circulation, strengthen the immune system, reduce muscle pain and improve the quality of skin and hair. On the other hand, it would also boost our vitality and energy, making us more alert and focused throughout the day.

However, some health professionals are not fully convinced of the benefits of this practice. They argue that although taking a cold shower has a cooling effect, it does not have a significant impact on overall health. Instead, they recommend favoring a lukewarm or cool shower for a similar effect without the inconvenience of too cold water.

When it comes to environmental impact, taking cold showers might be more beneficial than hot showers. The production of hot water generally requires a significant amount of electricity or gas, thus resulting in greenhouse gas emissions. By opting for a cold shower, we can reduce our energy consumption and our carbon footprint.

However, it is important to note that these benefits depend on the duration of the shower and how the water is heated. Taking a prolonged cold shower can also lead to excessive loss of body heat, which is unnecessarily uncomfortable and wastes energy.

In conclusion, taking a cold shower can be an effective way to cool off in the summer, but it’s important to consider its real health benefits. It is best to consult a healthcare professional before deciding to incorporate it into our routine on a regular basis. In addition, it is essential to find a balance between our shower habits and the environmental impact. Opting for lukewarm or cool showers can be a greener alternative without sacrificing our comfort.

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