I loved having my hands on my ass

I loved having my hands on my buttocks: Brigitte Bardot without filter on her past in the cinema

Brigitte Bardot, the icon of French cinema of the 60s, has always been known for her sensual charm and her natural beauty. But behind this sex symbol image hides a woman with a strong character, who is not afraid to tell things as they are. In a recent interview, Bardot decided to lift the veil on his past in French cinema, without any filters.

“I lived through a time when privacy didn’t exist,” Bardot said in a calm but powerful voice. “The men of the cinema allowed themselves everything, they were persuaded to have all the rights over my body. This statement will hardly surprise those who have followed the career of the actress, known for her outspokenness and avant-garde feminism.

Bardot began her acting career at the age of 15, and her undeniable talent quickly thrust her into the limelight. But behind the glamor of red carpets and photographers, Bardot had to face a much less glamorous reality: Sexism and sexual harassment were rampant in the film industry.

“Directors, producers, actors… They all thought they were allowed to touch me without my consent,” she said in a bitter voice. “I was there, vulnerable, in this industry which offered me no protection. I have been the victim of countless abuses, and no one has reached out to me. »

Despite this unfair treatment, Bardot managed to make his voice heard and to mark the history of French cinema with films such as “Et Dieu…créa la femme” and “Le Mépris”. But it’s her fight for animal rights that makes her even more remarkable. Brigitte Bardot, the woman who enchanted the world of the screen, chose to retire from fame to devote herself fully to the protection of animals.

Now 87 years old, Bardot is still just as committed and does not hesitate to denounce injustices, particularly in the film industry. “I’m glad things have started to change,” she said with a hint of optimism. “Women are finally talking, they are talking about each other, and that is getting things moving. »

By uncovering these dark parts of her past with disconcerting candor, Bardot hopes her testimony will help break the silence surrounding sexual harassment in the film industry. “I want young actresses to know that it is not inevitable to be the victim of this abuse,” she concluded.

Brigitte Bardot, a true icon and forward-thinking feminist, continues to inspire us through her courage and resilience. Her story is a reflection of a bygone era, but it also reminds us how important it is to fight for a more just world, where women are not reduced to objects and where their integrity is respected.

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