I regret graduating with a first class and being the best graduating student of my department

Looking back on my time in university, I never would have imagined that I would come to regret being the best graduating student of my department and graduating with a first class. It was a moment of immense pride and a sense of accomplishment, but as time went on, I began to realize the downsides that came with this prestigious title.

Firstly, being the best graduating student brought about a tremendous amount of pressure and expectation. People around me, including family and friends, expected me to excel in everything I did, and I started to feel like I couldn’t live up to their expectations. It was as if I had set the bar too high for myself, and I wasn’t sure if I could maintain that level of success in the real world.

Moreover, being at the top of my class meant that I was constantly competing with others, whether I liked it or not. It was a constant battle to prove myself and outperform my peers, which took a toll on my mental and emotional well-being. I wanted to be able to connect with my classmates and build genuine friendships, but it felt like my achievements set me apart and made it difficult for me to truly bond with them.

Additionally, graduating with a first class meant that I was expected to pursue a career in a high-paying and prestigious field. While I initially thought this was what I wanted, I soon came to realize that I was more passionate about pursuing a career that aligned with my interests and values, rather than what was expected of me due to my academic achievements.

Looking back, I wish I had allowed myself to explore different paths, rather than feeling confined to the expectations that came with my academic success. I regret not taking the time to truly understand what I wanted out of life and my career, instead of feeling pressured to follow the path that society deemed as successful.

In conclusion, while graduating with a first class and being the best graduating student of my department seemed like a great accomplishment at the time, it came with its own set of challenges and regrets. I wish I had taken the time to prioritize my own happiness and well-being, rather than striving for external validation and recognition. I have come to realize that success is not solely defined by academic achievements, but by following one’s passions and living a fulfilling life.

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