“I’m Not Looking For Graduates, I’m Looking For Talent”

Fabrice Sawegnon: “I’m not looking for graduates, I’m looking for talent”

In today’s professional world, a diploma is often considered the ultimate tool for entering the job market and succeeding in your career. However, some entrepreneurs like Fabrice Sawegnon, founder and CEO of the Voodoo group, are shaking up the codes by affirming that talent takes precedence over diplomas.

Fabrice Sawegnon is an emblematic figure in the business world in Côte d’Ivoire. A graduate of prestigious universities in France and the United States, he could have followed the classic career path for senior executives. However, it was by choosing to create his own company that he stood out.

Voodoo, the company he founded in 2008, is today a key player in advertising and communication in West Africa. With his innovative spirit and avant-garde vision, Fabrice Sawegnon has succeeded in imposing his mark in a very competitive sector.

But what really characterizes Fabrice Sawegnon is his recruitment policy based on talent rather than diplomas. For him, a diploma is just a piece of paper that in no way guarantees a person’s skills. According to him, real skills are innate, and you have to be able to detect and value them.

This is why at Voodoo, candidates are evaluated on their practical skills and real abilities rather than on their academic background. Whether for a developer, graphic designer or commercial position, Fabrice Sawegnon trusts his instincts to spot talent.

This revolutionary approach has allowed Voodoo to recruit true experts in their field. The company’s employees have a wide variety of professional backgrounds, but they all have in common a passion for their work and a desire to innovate.

Fabrice Sawegnon does not hesitate to give young talents a chance, even without professional experience or a prestigious diploma. According to him, youth brings a fresh and innovative vision, which can be very valuable for a growing company.

This talent-based recruitment policy has allowed Voodoo to differentiate itself from its competitors and become a leading company in its field. Fabrice Sawegnon proves that by valuing real skills rather than diplomas, it is possible to build an efficient and innovative team.

In a constantly changing world of work, Fabrice Sawegnon’s approach is a real example to follow. It makes it possible to highlight talents, whatever their academic background, and to create opportunities for the younger generations.

In conclusion, Fabrice Sawegnon shows us that diplomas are not essential to succeed in the professional world. It is skills, talent and passion that make the difference. His company, Voodoo, is living proof of this and invites us to rethink traditional recruitment criteria to move towards a more inclusive and innovative approach.

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Mots clés: #Graduates #Talent

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