Implementation of a New Mining Code by the Transitional Authorities

Transitional authorities advance implementation of new mining code

Transitional authorities within the government recently announced significant progress in their work to establish a new mining code to regulate the country’s mining industry.

The existing mining code was considered obsolete and unsuited to the current reality of the mining sector. It neglected certain environmental and social concerns while further promoting the interests of mining companies, to the detriment of local communities and environmental protection.

To remedy this situation, the transitional authorities have worked closely with national and international experts, civil society organizations, local communities and mining sector actors to develop a new mining code that is more balanced and guarantees high standards for environmental protection, worker safety and corporate social responsibility.

The new mining code contains provisions to protect the rights of local communities living near mining sites. It also emphasizes the responsibility of mining companies for the restoration of sites after mining and compensation for damage caused to the environment.

In addition, the new mining code encourages responsible investment in the mining sector in order to promote sustainable development and the rational exploitation of the country’s natural resources. It will ensure greater transparency in the mining licensing process, which will help prevent corruption and illegal practices.

The transitional authorities also stressed that this new mining code is part of a broader vision of the country’s economic and social development. It aims to maximize economic benefits to the country while minimizing negative impacts on the environment and local communities.

This process of drafting the new mining code testifies to a strong commitment by the transitional authorities to improve the governance and regulation of the mining industry. It also reflects the government’s desire to put in place policies that allow the mining sector to contribute in a sustainable way to the country’s development.

In conclusion, the transition authorities have made significant progress in implementing a new mining code that is more balanced and complies with international standards in terms of environmental protection and corporate social responsibility. This revised mining code will help create a balance between economic development and the preservation of our precious environment.

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Mots clés: #Implementation #Mining #Code #Transitional #Authorities

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