Inter-community clashes leave 2 dead

The gods of war are showing up again in western Côte d’Ivoire, precisely in the locality of Zouan Hounien. Clashes between Yacouba and Malinké have already resulted in several deaths and injuries, and extensive material damage.

Black Wednesday in the town of Zouan Hounien, a town located 658 km from Abidjan, on the Liberian border. Clashes between Yacouba and Malinké left two dead and several injured in 24 hours. Shops, property, and even the mayor’s home were ransacked and looted. The tension is still very perceptible there, forcing workers and other populations to seek refuge in surrounding localities.

The death of a Yacouba student, which would have been caused by Malinké transporters, according to several concordant sources, would be the basis of these clashes in Zouan Hounien. The circumstances of the victim’s death remain somewhat unclear. Some languages ​​explain that the child would have clung to a Kia vehicle. He would have died following the blows received by the occupants of the car to correct him.

For others, like this resident reached by telephone by Doingbuzz, “It’s just a deliberate act. The victim did not commit any act that could lead to his death”.

Another boy lost his life in the clashes which followed the death of the young student

Several executives and elected officials have called for calm. The Minister of Higher Education, Albert Mabri Toikeusse, executive of the region, did not derogate from it.

We will come back!

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Originally posted 2018-11-22 16:06:01.

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Mots clés: #Intercommunity #clashes #leave #dead

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