Investments In Transport Infrastructure Will Be On The Rise In 2020

In Africa, investment in transport infrastructure is expected to grow by nearly 46.4% by 2020, according to a study by the analyst firm Global Data, published this week.

According to a report by the analysis firm Global Data, investments in transport infrastructure should increase from 23,500 billion FCFA in 2019 to around 35,000 billion FCFA in 2020. They should be more increased in the railway sector, which concentrates with 55,345 km, half of the 110,000 km of planned projects. Road infrastructure comes second with 54,110 km with 599 km for bridges.

Nigeria, Kenya and Egypt will be the biggest investors with 5300 billion FCFA, 4250 billion FCFA and 3750 billion FCFA respectively in 2020, according to Global Data.

Thanks to these investments, African countries will be able to accelerate their process of economic and commercial integration, which was launched last May, through the entry into force of the agreement on the African Continental Free Trade Area (ZLECAf). .

According to Yasmine Ghozzi, economist at Global Data, quoted by Agence Ecofin, “ there is a clear desire in the region to improve and increase trade, and it is recognized that this requires industrial integration and infrastructure development “.

This desire is also reflected in the establishment of the program for infrastructure development in Africa (PIDA). This project, which takes into account 51 cross-border infrastructure projects and programs, includes more than 400 exploitable sub-projects in four main sectors: energy, transport, cross-border waters and ICT. These projects, which for the most part have all started, have required significant investments from States, the African Union, NEPAD, AfDB and other development partners.

Photo credit: Le360Afrique

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