Junta Requests Dialogue With ECOWAS

On Monday, the Prime Minister of Niger, Ouhoumoudou Mahamadou, announced that the military in power, authors of the coup in Niger, asked the delegation of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to ” return” to Niamey. This request follows the aborted visit of the delegation last Thursday, which had left Niamey without meeting General Abdourahamane Tiani and the ousted President Mohamed Bazoum.

Faced with the tense situation in the country, ECOWAS announced that an “extraordinary summit” will take place on Thursday in Abuja, Nigeria. Leaders of the West African organization will discuss the political situation in Niger and recent developments following the expiration of the ultimatum set for the restoration of constitutional order.

Read also: New extraordinary ECOWAS summit on the political situation in Niger

Contours of a possible military intervention

The ECOWAS chiefs of staff have already defined the contours of a “possible military intervention” against the perpetrators of the coup. However, the Nigerien Prime Minister emphasized that their objective was not military intervention per se, but rather the restoration of democracy and an end to the sequestration of President Bazoum.

President Mohamed Bazoum, kidnapped since the day of the coup, lives in difficult conditions. His access to electricity and water has been cut off, raising concerns about his well-being and safety.

Negotiation is still possible

Despite tensions and demonstrations of support for the military, the Prime Minister remains open to negotiation. He believes that a peaceful solution can still be found to resolve the political crisis.

The prime minister also responded to anti-French protests seen at pro-military rallies. He considers that these acts are the work of a small group of people manipulating theopinion. He made a point of stressing that Niger is still waiting for the support of France in these difficult times.

→ READ ALSO: New extraordinary ECOWAS summit on the political situation in Niger

→ READ ALSO: Coup in Niger: Fight for the credibility of ECOWAS

→ READ ALSO: Niger: Preparations and tensions in the face of a possible military intervention by ECOWAS

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Mots clés: #Junta #Requests #Dialogue #ECOWAS

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