Junta Shuts Down Airspace As Ultimatum Ends, Fears Imminent ‘Aggression’.

The end of the ultimatum: Military junta closes airspace fearing imminent ‘aggression’

The ultimatum given by the military junta to the elected government to mend its ways and ease political tensions before a deadline has just ended. In response, the junta, which took power in a coup last week, closed the country’s airspace for fear of imminent “aggression”.

The decision to close the airspace has created an atmosphere of enraged tension in the country as citizens and leaders from different neighboring countries closely monitor the developments. The first days after the coup were marked by massive demonstrations by the population, demanding the restoration of democratic order and the return of their legitimate government.

However, despite international calls for restraint and peaceful dialogue, the junta took an uncompromising stance in deciding to close the airspace. According to the junta’s spokespersons, this measure is taken to protect the country against possible “aggression” from foreign countries that support the overthrown government.

The illegitimate government in exile has meanwhile condemned the decision to close the airspace, saying it is a provocative act aimed at isolating the country and trying to justify the coup. . The exiled leaders have requested the help of the international community to pressure the military junta to reverse its decision and restore constitutional order.

Faced with this escalation of the political crisis, many international experts fear a security and humanitarian deterioration in the country. Some even fear that this situation could lead to a civil war if the demands of the population for the return of democracy continue to be ignored.

It is imperative that the Junta and the elected government begin an urgent dialogue with a view to finding a peaceful solution to this crisis. Closing the airspace only escalates tensions and further distances the country from a democratic settlement. The international community must play a key role in mediating this crisis, encouraging all parties to come to the negotiating table.

The current situation is worrying, both for the citizens of the country and for neighboring countries. It is essential to find a peaceful and lasting resolution to this political crisis in order to guarantee stability and democracy in the region.

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Mots clés: #Junta #Shuts #Airspace #Ultimatum #Ends #Fears #Imminent #Aggression

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