Maahlox The Viber Clashe Stanley Enow And Other Colleagues

A lively controversy shakes the scene Cameroonian rap while Maahlox le Vibeur attacks his colleague Stanley Enow and other artists. It all started with Maahlox’s Facebook page being hacked, but his colleagues’ reactions quickly escalated into an online conflict.

Hacking the page Facebook of Maahlox Le Vibeur

Last week, Maahlox’s Facebook page, with more than 600,000 followers, was hacked by an individual calling themselves “Tanos.” The latter announced his intention to hack other pages in the future, starting with that of Maahlox.

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Faced with this situation, the rapper’s colleagues, although their relations are not in good shape, expressed their support by relaying the link to his new Facebook page. Stanley Enow and other artists tried to help Maahlox regain subscribers, but this was not to the latter’s taste.

Maahlox refuses help from his colleagues

Maahlox Le Vibeur reacted strongly, saying he did not seek their help to regain followers on his new page. He expressed his desire to preserve his pride and dignity and called on artists to stop pretending to manipulate the emotions of Internet users.

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Maahlox Le Vibeur also sent a direct message to Stanley Enow, accusing him of having misspelled his name in his publication aimed at encouraging Internet users to subscribe to his new Facebook page. He reminded Stanley Enow that he was not handicapped and expressed his annoyance at the clumsiness.

“There was the other one who got up and wrote my name wrong. I won’t allow you. My name is all I have. Don’t come on the internet pretending you support me. I’m not disabled, it’s the last time,” he told her.

Tension mounts on stage Cameroonian rap while Maahlox le Vibeurfaced with the hacking of his Facebook page, refuses the help of his colleagues and enters into conflict with Stanley Enow.

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Mots clés: #Maahlox #Viber #Clashe #Stanley #Enow #Colleagues

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