Maes Reveals Surprising Photos Of Booba’s Father

The battle fierce between Booba and Maes doesn’t seem to be calming down any time soon. In this war of words that has been going on for months, the two former friends continue to launch acerbic spades through online publications.

This time, Maes took the initiative to slip a scathing tackle on the Duke of Boulogne by revealing amazing photos of the man he claims is the famous Duke’s father. The images triggered a wave of reactions and mockery on the web.

The tackle unexpected from Maes to Booba

As part of this ever-escalating rivalry, Maes didn’t hesitate to drive home the point by posting some startling snaps. The footage features a man, apparently B2o’s father, who showed up with a look reminiscent of a drag queen. This bold move by Maes immediately caused a tidal wave of comments and taunts on social media.

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The conflict between the two rappers has continued to grow over the months. The sharp exchanges and low blows between Booba and Maes have become commonplace. The hurtful words fuse from both sides, thus fueling the enthusiasm of the fans who attend, by interposed screens, this confrontation at loggerheads.

Cascading reactions

Following the publication of the photos by Maes, the web caught fire. Internet users, always quick to react, were numerous to comment, share and spread the unusual shots of Booba’s father. Teasing comments, humorous memes and sarcastic remarks were quick to flood online platforms.

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The saga continues between the Duke and Maes, and this time it was Maes who launched a new salvo by revealing amazing photos of his opponent’s alleged father. This new stage in their rivalry has sparked a flood of reactions on the Internet, showing that the public remains captivated.

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Mots clés: #Maes #Reveals #Surprising #Photos #Boobas #Father

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