Malagasy Players Raised To The Rank Of Knights

Malagasy footballers were decorated on Monday July 15, 2019 by President Andry Rajoelina, after their historic performance during the African Cup of Nations which takes place in Egypt until July 19.

For their first participation in this competition, the Bareas reached the quarter-finals where they were eliminated by Tunisia with a score of 3 to 0 for the Carthage Eagles.

Invited to speak on behalf of all his teammates, captain Faneva Andriatsima appeared very moved: “I would like to once again express our gratitude to the President and the Minister of Sports. In February, I met the minister in Paris (France). And today I can say that he kept the promises he made to me. Thank you to the Malagasy people, I have tears in my eyes. I don’t have the words to describe what it feels like.”

CAN 2019: Malagasy players elevated to the rank of knights

Nicolas Dupuis’ foals were made “knights of the Malagasy national order”, an honorary title. Their performance during the CAN allowed the Malagasy people to unite in joy around a common goal.

CAN 2019: Malagasy players elevated to the rank of knights

Housed in group B, Madagascar emerged as leader during the qualifiers. The Bareas shared the pool with Burundi (which was at its first CAN), Guinea and Nigeria.

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