Next General Assembly Scheduled For Saturday!

A General Assembly is scheduled for next Saturday!

An important General Assembly is scheduled for next Saturday, providing an excellent opportunity to bring members together and discuss crucial business of our organization.

This key event will be held next Saturday and all members are strongly encouraged to attend. The General Assembly will be an opportunity to make important decisions, share ideas, evaluate past performance, and plan the future of our group.

Topics such as financial results, election of new board members, upcoming projects and changes to the organization’s statutes will be discussed at this meeting.

Members are encouraged to actively participate in discussions, ask questions and voice concerns. This General Assembly is a unique opportunity to exchange ideas, engage in collective decision-making, and contribute to the growth and development of our group.

The meeting will take place in our main premises, located at (address), at (time). Please note that the presence of all members is essential to guarantee the validity of the decisions taken during this General Assembly.

We hope to see many of you for this crucial event in the life of our organization. Together we can continue to build a strong and prosperous future for our group.

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Mots clés: #General #Assembly #Scheduled #Saturday

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