Nick Kyrgios Reveals Mental Health Struggles and Hospitalization in Netflix Series ‘Break Point’

In an episode of the Netflix series ‘Break Point,’ the eccentric Australian tennis player Nick Kyrgios, reveals that he went through dark days in 2019, to the extent of being admitted to a psychiatric hospital. Nick Kyrgios admits to experiencing a mentally challenging year in 2019, to the point of contemplating suicide.

Nick Kyrgios was admitted to a psychiatric hospital while considering suicide during the 2019 Wimbledon tournament, as revealed by the Australian player in a new episode of the series ‘Break Point,’ set to be released on Netflix starting June 21st. ‘I genuinely thought about ending my life,’ he recounts, according to The Australian newspaper.

As a controversial figure, Nick Kyrgios had a tough year in 2019, often criticized for his antics on the court. Defeated by Rafael Nadal in the second round of Wimbledon, he shares that he wore a sleeve on his right arm during that match to cover his scars. ‘I was drinking alcohol, taking drugs, distancing myself from my family and loved ones. I lost at Wimbledon, and when I woke up, my father was sitting on my bed crying. That was the turning point for me, I said to myself, “Okay, I can’t continue like this.” I ended up in a psychiatric facility in London to address my issues,’ he explains, still according to The Australian.

‘If you look closely, you can see self-harm marks on my right arm. […] I had suicidal thoughts, I didn’t want to get up and face playing alone against millions of people,’ he wrote on his Instagram account in February 2022, discussing his mental health three years prior. Since then, Kyrgios has ‘completely turned things around,’ even reaching the Wimbledon final last year, where he lost to Novak Djokovic 4-6, 6-3, 6-4, 7-6 (7/3).

Currently ranked 25th in the world, he made his comeback this week in Stuttgart after a knee injury in January. Out of form, he was defeated by Chinese player Yibing Wu (64th) 7-5, 6-3 in just over an hour.

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