Orange is hiring an Occupational Health Nurse

Orange recruits 01 Occupational Health Nurse

Nurse – Occupational Health Nurse

Ref: 0023831 | Jul 12, 2019

Application deadline: August 09, 2019

1 avenue Nelson Mandela 94110 ARCUEIL – France


Your role

Within our environment, you participate in all the missions of the occupational health service on your own or delegated mission.

Medical actions:

management of the schedule and reception of employees

carrying out preclinical examinations and interviews

data entry on computer, management and follow-up of files.

In the workplace, you participate in:

with training adapted to occupational risk analyses, workstation studies, ambient metrology, or actions related to epidemiological studies

visits to premises and awareness-raising, information and training actions in conjunction with prevention specialists

meetings of the CHSCT on medical delegation with the agreement of the CHSCT, multidisciplinary working groups on delegation of the doctor, as well as those related to hygiene and safety

maintaining employment with the company’s partners (MDPH, AGEFIPH, social worker, prevention officers) listening and supporting employees in difficulty during interviews as part of a helping relationship

welcoming employees

alert to the doctor, organization of appointments and referral to an external healthcare organization

identification of professional situations at risk and transmission of useful information to the doctor.

Other activities:

promotional action, health education

emergency care according to the protocols prescribed and updated by the occupational physician

follow-up of AT/MP

management of the pharmacy, advice on the contents of first aid boxes

organization of DASRI collection

occupational health education –

production of the main regulatory documents, company file, annual report of the occupational physician, in collaboration with the assistant) and produces its own activity report – updating of knowledge in the field of occupational health (studies, conferences , meetings, etc.)

This position offers the opportunity for many collaborations, direct collaboration with doctors as well as collaboration with the medical assistant and if necessary with social workers and prevention workers.

Your profile

You are a graduate and have significant experience in the role and activities of a nurse

Your rigor and respect for confidentiality are recognized.

Your interpersonal skills and diplomacy to establish relationships of trust with the interlocutors will be real assets.

You are a responsive, available person.

You know the group and its organization.

You enjoy working in a team and have developed a good spirit of collaboration.

You are familiar with office tools.

Knowledge of the organization of the Orange Group would be a plus.

Most of the offer

Come join us and participate in building, together, a unique digital and human employee relationship, at the height of the one we want for our customers.

By 2020, we’re on a mission to be always there to connect our customers to what matters to them. Our ambition is to give them a unique daily experience by designing digital services that allow them to enjoy what matters most to them with confidence.

Networks and connectivity: This is our core business: invest massively to extend, make more reliable and modernize our networks in order to bring everyone the full potential of digital

Orange at a glance:

264 million customers

27 countries for consumer services, and a global presence with Orange Business Services

151,000 employees

51st global brand

81% of employees consulted as part of the 2018 employee survey recommend Orange as a good place to work


The Orange France Management Occupational Health Service is recruiting an occupational health nurse.

The Health Service, made up of a team of 2 doctors, 1 medical assistant, 2 Occupational Health Nurses, is aimed at employees based in Ile de France.



Mots clés: #Orange #hiring #Occupational #Health #Nurse

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