Over 70.8 Million Refugees Worldwide: Report

Some 70.8 million people moved at the end of 2018 because of wars or persecution, according to an annual report by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees published on Wednesday, June 19, on the eve of World Refugee Day.

“The annual Global Trends Statistical Report reports 70.8 million children, women and men who were uprooted at the end of 2018,” the note said, estimating that this is double the number of people uprooted 20 years ago “as well as 2.3 million more people than last year”.

Moreover, “this number of 70.8 million remains a conservative estimate”, informed the United Nations report, noting that it only partially reflects the crisis in Venezuela.

According to statistics provided by the governments of countries hosting Venezuelan refugees, around 4 million have left the country.

The number of displaced persons and refugees in the world has started to rise again since 2009, recording a strong increase between 2012 and 2015 with the Syrian conflict. Colombians and Syrians are the most numerous internally displaced persons.

As for the refugees, 5.5 million are Palestinians, who come under the jurisdiction of UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East). The others come, for the most part, from five countries: Syria, Afghanistan, South Sudan, Burma and Somalia.

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Originally posted 2019-06-30 22:10:03.

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