PARSN Recruits National Consultants

PARSN recruits National Consultants


The Support Project for Strengthening Stability in Niger (PARSN) plans to support certain municipalities in its area of ​​intervention to set up municipal police units (output 4). The objective is to create twenty-two (22) new Municipal Police Units for the benefit of the communes of the Regions of Diffa, Dosso, Maradi, Tahoua, Tillabéri and Zinder. Given the complexity of the operation, and the lessons learned from the establishment of forty-eight (48) municipal police units within the framework of IDS I and II, the financial diagnosis of municipalities wishing to create de Police Municipale becomes an entire phase of the process.

The capitalization of the experience of creation of Municipal Police Unit, highlighted a correlation between the staff and the financial capacity of the municipality.

Indeed, several municipalities have not been able to continue paying the bonuses of their municipal police officers after the end of IDS I.

The diagnosis will be carried out at the level of the communes which have expressed the desire to have municipal police units within the framework of the Support Project for the Strengthening of Stability in Niger.


2.1. Overall objective of the mission

The overall objective of the service is to carry out the financial and tax diagnosis of the municipalities interested in the municipal police in the perspective of having reliable information to facilitate decision-making concerning the number of police officers that the municipality can support.

2.2. Specific objectives

Specifically, the financial and tax diagnosis must make it possible to:

-Enlighten municipalities on the financial consequences of their choice to set up a municipal police.

– Identify the financial room for maneuver of each municipality and the possibilities in terms of the number of PM units to be set up.

-Facilitate the decision-making of the MI/SP/D/AR. Indeed, in the law amending article 82 of the General Code of Territorial Communities, one of the conditions for allowing municipalities to create their own police services is to send a reasoned request to the Minister of the Interior in order to get his consent.

2.3. Results to be achieved by the service provider

The expected results of the technical assistance mission are as follows:

Result 1: Information is available on the financial capacity of each of the requesting municipalities to guide the decision of the MID.

Expected output: a summary sheet of the indicators that have been evaluated (rating and comments) and a final assessment by the expert on the possibility or not for each municipality to take charge of a municipal police unit.

Result 2: The municipalities have decision-making elements regarding the number of municipal police officers that their financial resources allow them to cover. Expected output: an analysis of the current potential of municipalities and the evolution in the next 3 to 5 years of current trends.

3. Methodology

The service will be carried out by three (03) consultants, i.e. one national consultant per axis. The HACP reserves the right to propose or retain an axis for a consultant on the basis of his experience.

Each consultant selected for a region will propose a methodology comprising the three elements below:

-His understanding of the terms of reference: any remarks relating to the ToRs that are important for the proper performance of the service, in particular the objectives and expected results.

-The proposed approach for the implementation of the mission.

-The list of activities (in the form of a chronogram) considered necessary to achieve the objectives of the mission.

In order to help the consultant to properly prepare the mission, the HACP will make available to him any document deemed useful for the preparation of the mission.

These methodologies will be brought to the attention of the HACP which will determine a harmonized methodology common to all axes in coordination with the regional coordinators.

It is important to mention that the conduct of the exercise must allow the involvement of the competent State services in the collection of data. The objective being that these services provide consultants with reliable and official data on

the cities.

The experts must also keep in mind that municipalities, both in terms of municipal staff and local elected officials, often have low capacity.

Also, the results of the diagnoses must provide simple and reasoned findings, understandable by everyone.

Finally, it is necessary to bring together the mayors and another relevant member of the municipal councils (for example the municipal collectors) at the level of the regions in order to present and validate the results in a one-day workshop. To facilitate the work

consultants, the regional coordinators will have to facilitate the collection of the necessary information on the finances of the communes from the competent regional or departmental services by a information and mobilization


4. Place and Duration of the Service

The services will take place as follows:

-Expert 1 will be in charge of the municipalities of the Tillabéri region (18 days);

-Expert 2 will be in charge of the municipalities of the Dosso and Tahoua regions (18 days);

-Expert 3 will be in charge of the communes of the regions of Maradi and Zinder (22 days).

The total duration of the consultation must not exceed 30 calendar days.

The indicative timetable for the mission is as follows:

5. Expertise Required

The execution of this service requires the mobilization of three (3) Category Experts

II with a certain expertise in taxation.

The skills required include:

– have a university degree of at least BAC+3 level in taxation, administration or public finance;

– have a good knowledge of budgetary and accounting principles.

– justify a minimum of ten (10) years of professional experience as an agent of the financial authorities or as a receiver of the treasury;

-good knowledge of decentralization, planning and public administration in Niger.

– demonstrate excellent analytical, synthesis and writing skills in French;

– master the computer tool (word processing, spreadsheet, power point, etc.);

– have excellent interpersonal and communication skills, especially group facilitation.

6. Reports to be produced

The reports will be written in French.

-The provisional report will be submitted within 05 days after the field mission. Comments may be issued and transmitted within 5 days of receipt by the project focal point at HACP.

-The final report will be presented 5 days after submission of comments on the draft report and its approval by the contractor and the HACP will intervene within fifteen days.

The reports will be issued in three hard copies and in electronic format.

7. Administrative Information

The Regional Coordinator’s office will serve as the regional office for each Expert.

Each expert should have their own laptop.

8. Budget

The budget is made up of fees and per diems for the consultant.

The HACP will provide the vehicles and drivers.

9. Application Conditions

– Consultants wishing to respond to this announcement are invited to send their technical proposals no later than Tuesday, July 16, 2019 at 5:00 p.m., to the High Authority for the Consolidation of Peace with the mention “recruitment of three (03) national consultants for a financial and tax diagnosis of municipalities in the context of setting up new municipal police units. By specifying the axis”.

-The offers are addressed to the Secretary General of the High Authority for the Consolidation of Peace, rue des lacs, BP 550 Niamey.

-Additional information can be obtained from Mr. Boubacar Hamidou, Director of Recovery and Stability of the HACP,

Mots clés: #PARSN #Recruits #National #Consultants

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