Postdoctoral Fellowships Available 2023

Postdoctoral Fellowships Available 2023

Basque Center for Applied Mathematics – BCAM is offering a postdoctoral position in mathematics of quantum many-body problems and quantum information science to work with Jean-Bernard Bru and Mikel Sanz in the quantum mechanics research line. Research will focus on the mathematics of quantum many-body problems and quantum information science.

Contract: 3 years

Deadline: October 1, 2023

Applications on:

Requirements: Promising young researchers. informs you that Candidates must have completed their doctorate before the start of the contract.

The incumbent will not be required to do any teaching but if he so wishes, he can give short courses, of his choice, at the doctorate level. level. Additionally, if desired, may be involved in the supervision of graduate/masters students.

Involvement in the dissemination and organization of scientific events is desirable.

Applicants, especially if they are seniors, should be prepared to apply for a fellowship/research position or project such as Juan de la Cierva, ERC Starting Fellowship or postdoctoral fellowships under the Marie Skłodowska Actions -Curia.

Skills: Good interpersonal skills.

A proven track record in quality research, as evidenced by research publications in top scientific journals and conferences.

Demonstrated ability to work independently and within a collaborative research team.

Ability to present and publish research results in oral (discussions) and written (articles) form.

Ability to effectively communicate and present research ideas to researchers and stakeholders from different backgrounds.

read also: Fellowship available 2023

Proficiency in spoken and written English

The preferred candidate will have one of these two scientific backgrounds:

  1. Research experience and interest in mathematical studies of quantum many-body problems (fermionic and bosonic cases). Knowledge of functional and convex analysis, operator algebra and quantum statistical mechanics. Note that a very good knowledge of the C*-algebra approach of quantum statistical mechanics (CAR and CCR algebras) would be particularly highly appreciated.
  1. Knowledge of mathematical aspects of MPS and tensor networks and quantum channel/CPTP maps, functional analysis, matrix analysis, etc. Otherwise, experience in quantum algorithms, in particular for the simulation of many-body systems in NISQ devices and quantum complexity theory.

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