Premature Daughter Maéna “Does Not Establish Intubation”, She Gives Comforting News.

Maéna, a premature baby girl, gives reassuring news – no intubation necessary

It is with great relief that the family of Maéna, a girl born prematurely, shares the reassuring news about her state of health. Indeed, unlike many premature babies, Maéna does not need to be intubated.

Premature birth is often accompanied by various health problems that require respiratory assistance, of which intubation is one. This procedure involves inserting a breathing tube into the baby’s airways to make breathing easier. However, in Maéna’s case, doctors found that her lung capacity was sufficient to breathe without this assistance.

This news is a great relief for Maéna’s parents, who have had to deal with many worries since her premature birth. The first weeks of a premature baby’s life are always filled with uncertainty and anxiety, but Maéna’s progress is encouraging.

Doctors following Maéna’s case are also optimistic about her development. Although she is still in an incubator, her progress is steady. She is steadily gaining weight and her vital functions are stabilizing. Everything indicates that Maéna is on the right track to continue its normal growth and development.

Maéna’s family would like to thank all the medical staff who are doing an exceptional job taking care of their daughter. The care and dedication she receives is invaluable and has played a major role in her recovery.

In the coming weeks, Maéna will remain under close medical supervision in the hospital to ensure her stability and guarantee that no complications arise. Parents hope to be able to take their daughter home in the near future and start enjoying all the precious moments of family life.

Little Maéna is a fighter, and her strength inspires and comforts her family and all those who follow her journey. Her resilience in the face of the challenges she has faced since birth is remarkable, and it is with great pride that her family shares this reassuring news.

Premature birth is a difficult ordeal for parents, but hope and perseverance are the driving forces that help them get through this period. Maena’s encouraging progress is a testament to every little child’s willingness to struggle and grow.

We wish Maéna and her family all the best for the rest of her journey. May his strength and resilience continue to accompany him throughout his life, and may each day be filled with happiness and health.

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