PUI Recruits 01 WASH Program Manager

PUI recruits 01 WASH Program Manager

Arrival date: September 2019

Duration of the mission: 8 months

Location: N’Délé, CAR

First International Emergency (PUI) is a Non-Governmental Organization of international solidarity, non-profit, apolitical and secular. All of its personnel are mobilized on a daily basis to cover the basic needs of civilian victims endangered, marginalized or excluded by the effects of natural disasters, wars and situations of economic collapse. The objective is to help uprooted populations in an emergency, while allowing them to quickly regain autonomy and dignity. The Association conducts approximately 200 projects per year, in the areas of food security, health, nutrition, infrastructure rehabilitation, water and sanitation and economic recovery. PUI intervenes in support of nearly 6 million people in 22 countries, in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Eastern Europe and France.

Discover our history and our values.

Situation and humanitarian needs:

The Central African Republic is one of the poorest countries in the world. Ranked 180th out of 186 by the UNDP in 2012, 62% of the population lives there on less than 1.25 USD per day. In addition to this endemic poverty, since March 2013, the country has been going through one of the worst socio-political crises in its history, leading to armed conflicts and inter-community abuses. The bankruptcy of the state results in the dysfunction of public services, permanent insecurity, and the aggravation of tensions between armed groups. In March 2013, the president, François Bozizé, was overthrown by an alliance of rebel groups (Séléka) who then took control of the territory. Michel Djotodia, leader of the Séléka is invested Head of State and of the transitional government, on the condition of restoring security in the country. Despite his attempts, the President failed to stem the crisis and intercommunity tensions between Séléka and Anti-balaka spread throughout the country. In January 2014, he was replaced by Catherine Samba-Panza, president of the transition, a period which should lead to elections at the end of 2015. In February 2016, Faustin Archane TOUADERA was elected President of the Republic. The elections are not an end in themselves, the various social fractures, the weak economic prospects and the problems of insecurity require a lot of efforts to get the country out of the crisis.

At the end of May 2017, there were more than 420,000 displaced people in the country. Despite the intervention of international forces (French Force Sangaris and UN MINUSCA) which allowed a relative calm in the capital, Bangui, the deterioration of the humanitarian situation is to be deplored. This improvement in the security situation has enabled some IDPs to return to their neighborhoods of origin, however they need humanitarian assistance to return to these neighborhoods and several thousand IDPs are still present in IDP sites. However, security remains extremely volatile. Tension remains high, exacerbated by extremist Christian or Muslim groups.

Our actions in the field:

PUI targets the most fragile areas in the heart of which multi-sector interventions are developed for the benefit of populations confronted with the humanitarian repercussions of security crises. Before the March 2013 coup, already 1.9 million inhabitants (about 50% of the population) required humanitarian assistance (source, CAP 2012). In addition, extreme structural vulnerability results in low resistance to environmental, economic and security shocks. According to OCHA, 2.4 million Central Africans (more than half of the population) need humanitarian assistance in 2018, i.e. nearly 52% of the total population.

In this context, PUI’s intervention aims to directly support populations whose shock absorption capacity is weak, and to restore access to basic goods and services in crisis areas in sectors such as health. , nutrition, food security and livelihoods, and support for displaced populations (site management, emergency response, return assistance).

Discover our response to the crisis.

As part of our actions in CAR, we are looking for a WASH Program Manager.


The WASH Program Manager is in charge of implementing WASH activities and managing the WASH part of the project at all levels.

Main activities:

  • Programs: He/She ensures the proper implementation and monitoring of the program(s) under his/her responsibility.
  • Human ressources : He/She supervises the project team (PUI employees and any day laborers).
  • Logistics and administration : He/She ensures the logistical and administrative follow-up of the project(s) under his/her responsibility.
  • Representation: He/She represents the association with partners, authorities and local actors involved in the implementation of WASH programs
  • Security : He/She contributes to compliance with security rules on the base and transmits all security information to his/her line manager.
  • Strategy : He/She contributes to the development of new interventions based on identified needs.

Please see the job description below for full details.

And to stay informed of new offers continuously, join the Facebook group My Job In The field.

Mots clés: #PUI #Recruits #WASH #Program #Manager

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