Recruitment of one (01) Communication Assistant

Recruitment of one (01) Communication Assistant

Progettomondo is a non-governmental organization (NGO) of national and international volunteering. It was incorporated in 1966, and has its headquarters in Verona (Italy). Its objective is to promote and support the commitment of volunteers in Latin America and Africa, and to stimulate and strengthen volunteering in Italy.

In the Sahel, Progettomondo.mlal bases its interventions on an integrated and holistic approach. The projects act at several levels to guarantee the different citizenship rights in different areas: social, health and economic. Drawing on his experience in the field of community health, food security and women’s rights, he has also extended his intervention to the promotion of interreligious dialogue and the prevention of violent extremism.

The NGO has its main headquarters in Niamey and its branch in Ouallam Au Burkina Faso in Ouagadougou and it has an operational headquarters in Niger.

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The NGO Progettomondo implements the “Improve our lives (ANV)” project T05-EUTF-SAH-REG-18-10 which operates in Burkina Faso and Niger. This project generally aims to sustainably strengthen the resilience to food and nutritional insecurity and the social cohesion of rural communities in Burkina Faso and Niger.

It is implemented by 09 structures including Fundación Educación y Cooperación (EDUCO), National Federation of NAAM Groups (FNGN), Regional Council of Unions of the Sahel (CRUS), SOS SAHEL International Burkina Faso (SOS SAHEL BF), Africa Youth Network (RAJ), SOS SAHEL International Niger (SOS SAHEL NE), Cooperazione Internazionale – (COOPI), Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo Dei Popoli (CISP).

Progettomondo is looking for a Communication Assistant to support the project and national coordination in the implementation of communication activities.

These Terms of Reference describe the actions of a Communication Assistant on behalf of the ANV project.


The Communications Assistant will be responsible for:

Contribute to the implementation of the communication plan of the ANV project;

Write and distribute relevant content such as articles, written testimonials and messages to post on social networks, etc.;

Manage and regularly update the project facebook page with updated information and engage the online community;

Coordinate the creation of communication media such as brochures, videos, press articles, etc.;

Organize events and awareness-raising activities in collaboration with the teams concerned;

Ensure the management of internal communication, including the coordination of the production activities of the NGO’s visibility media;

Coordinate with field staff for the collection of photos, videos, testimonials and all the data necessary for the production of communication and visibility products;

Monitor media coverage and prepare follow-up reports.

Any other support requested by his superiors


Candidates for these positions must meet the following characteristics:

In addition to a university education in the field of communication, the Communication Assistant must have:

University degree in communication, public relations or similar field;

Prior experience of 02 years in a similar communication role, preferably within an NGO or an associative environment;

Excellent writing skills in French (and in Zarma, would be an asset);

Proficiency in computer tools and DTP and photo editing software (Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Publisher), video editing (Adobe première) and web CMS;

Knowledge of best practices in social media and online community management;

Ability to work independently, manage multiple tasks simultaneously and meet deadlines

Proven experience in the institutional communication sector related to development cooperation;

Graphic design skills (visuals, brochures, etc.) would be an asset;

A relational ease, a spirit of initiative and team, perseverance and responsibility; be dynamic and creative;

Availability for regular missions in the field.

Be immediately available.

III. Working conditions

Nine (09) months renewable, with a trial period of three (3) months.

The position is based in Niger with travel to the areas of intervention of the ANV project.


The position will be remunerated in accordance with the salary grid of Progettomondo.mlal

  1. application file

Curriculum Vitae with photo

A cover letter highlighting their professional experience and mentioning the names of three unrelated referees.

NB: A criminal record dating back less than three (3) months will be requested from the successful candidate, as well as legalized copies of the required diplomas and training certificates.


Applications must be received no later than Tuesday, September 12, 2023 at 4 p.m. at the following address:

[email protected]

For further information contact the number: 20 35 36 35

Please send applications only by e-mail to the above address.

The recruitment procedure will be done according to the following two phases: pre-selection on file followed by a theoretical test and an oral interview for the pre-selected candidates.

Progettomondo reserves the right not to follow up on this announcement in the event of non-satisfaction of the criteria mentioned.


[email protected]

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Mots clés: #Recruitment #Communication #Assistant

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