Scandal! 2-year-old baby sentenced to prison

A most extraordinary story emerges, eliciting disbelief and compassion from all. Spirits wonder about the reasons that led a 2 year old baby suffer such a merciless fate. This heartbreaking story reveals a flagrant injustice where the child, innocent, pays the price for the actions of his parents.

The innocence of a 2 year old baby broken

At the heart of this story, a newborn baby of only 2 years old has become, despite himself, a victim of a fault committed by his parents. In a dictatorial country like North Korea, where justice strikes hard, even the youngest members of a family are not spared.

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The story goes back 9 years, but was only recently revealed to the international press. In a country where foreign religions are strictly prohibited, this family has been caught in turmoil. The discovery of a Bible in his parents’ home triggered a series of dramatic consequences.

A ruthless verdict for a new born

The regime in place considers any devotion to a foreign deity as a serious crime, punishable by death. Sadly, the family, including the 2-year-old baby, were condemned indiscriminately. Parents, children and even the youngest of them were struck by the relentless verdict of justice.

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This heartbreaking story brings to light the grim realities of a country where religious freedoms are non-existent. The tragedy of the new 2-year-old, unjustly affected by the actions of his parents and the regime’s repression, raises essential questions about justice and compassion.

Scandal!  2-year-old baby sentenced to prison

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