Scandal! Emmanuelle Keita Reveals Disturbing Comments About Emma Lohoues

A new scandal rocks the world of celebrities while Emmanuelle Keita finds herself at the heart of a controversy for remarks made towards her colleague Emma Lohoues. A leaked voice note on the internet reveals disturbing statements from the influencer, casting a shadow over their strained relationship.

Strained relationship between two celebrities

Between Emma Lohoues and Emmanuelle Keita, harmony is not there. Although the reasons for their disagreement are unclear, it is evident that their relationship is far from friendly. fans of both celebrities are caught in a virtual fight to defend their respective idol.

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In recent days, a voice note attributed to Peter 007’s ex-girlfriend has surfaced online. In this recording, th
EK comments on the comparison between her and DJ Arafat’s ex, Emma Lohoues. She qualifies her as jealous and embittered, thus casting doubt on the sincerity of their rivalry.

Shock declarations by Emmanuelle Kéïta

The voice note contains strong words. Emmanuelle affirms: “The day when Emma Lohoues could compare herself to the ear of my friend Albertine, I committed suicide by throwing myself from the top of my 4ᵉ floor. She is envious. She does not like other people’s happiness. The way I show off my friends, she doesn’t. »

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These inflammatory statements rekindled tensions between supporters of Emmaluv and EKland. Social media is abuzz as fans engage in heated debates, further fueling the rivalry between the two sides.

Emmanuelle Keita reacted by calling the voice note editing. However, the controversy persists and the story continues to evolve. The details of this case only spark more speculation.

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Mots clés: #Scandal #Emmanuelle #Keita #Reveals #Disturbing #Comments #Emma #Lohoues

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