She Regrets Having Neglected Her Studies…her Advice To Students

Popular Ghanaian actress and producer, Yvonne Nelson, has revealed in an interview that she regrets giving more consideration to entertainment than her studies.

According to her, she failed her exams several times, forcing her to rewrite most of her subjects at school. All because she was so interested in entertainment as her books. She advised students to concentrate on their studies as it is very difficult to retake a failed exam.

“I went on stage every Saturday when I was in high school. I had to rewrite exams. I loved entertainment so much that I didn’t take my classes at school seriously. You can easily screw up and not go to college. I regret not paying attention to my books, so when I see children today, I tell them to pay attention to their books,” she revealed in an interview with JoyFm.

Yvonne Nelson insisted on the importance of being careful when choosing between a career and school.

“I was at Central University. And it wasn’t easy to mix my acting career with studies. I had to make up my mind. It was hard. Nigerian producers were making me juicy offers and I was torn between accepting these offers or not. But I had to focus on school and I was so happy to graduate, I didn’t want to delay,” she added.

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Originally posted 2019-07-16 10:54:14.

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