Sick, Stevie Wonder Makes An Important Announcement To His Fans (video)

Stevie Wonder will take a break from his musical career. The singer announced to his fans in the middle of a concert in London on Saturday that he was going to undergo a kidney transplant next September.

He reassured that everything is fine and promised to do three more concerts before the operation. He had just played the song Superstition when he told the crowd that he wanted to shut down all rumors about his health.

“Here’s what’s going to happen: I’m going to have an operation, I’m going to have a kidney transplant in September this year. It’s alright, it’s alright, it’s alright. I have a donor, everything is fine. I want you to know, I came here to bring you my love and thank you for your love. So you’re not gonna hear any more rumors about me, I told you what was going on, and I’m fine okay? ».

According to the UK Health Service, a transplant is usually done for kidney failure or end-stage chronic kidney disease.

It is possible to donate a kidney while alive because people only need one kidney to survive.

photo credit: mirror

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