Simone Éhivet Gbagbo speaks out on a possible reconciliation with Laurent Gbagbo

In a recent appearance on the program “Allume ta télé” broadcast on RT1, Simone Ehivet Gbagboformer first lady of Côte d’Ivoire and president of the opposition political party Movement of Capable Generations (MGC), addressed the issue of her relationship with her ex-husband, former head of state Laurent Gbagbo.

Simone Éhivet clarifies her position during her speech on the program “Allume ta télé

Asked about a possible reconciliation and a return as a couple with Laurent Gbagbo, the former first lady was clear in her answer. She stressed that the priority was not getting back together, but rather focusing on God’s purpose for them.

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“Getting back together is not the priority! The priority is that the destiny that God has shaped for him (…) My objective is not to get back together, to reconcile, etc. (…) What should rather be looked at is the divine objective. What does God want for his nation? How does God use this one or that one for the good future of his nation? It is in it that my approach is inscribed “, said Simone Éhivet.

It is important to remember that the divorce between Simone Éhivet and former Ivorian President Laurent Gbagbo was made public a few weeks ago through a press release from the former First Lady’s lawyer.

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The press release specified that the divorce had been pronounced at the exclusive fault of Laurent Gbagbo, for characterized and notorious adultery, abandonment of the marital home and serious insults towards Simone Éhivet.

It now remains to be seen whether Laurent Gbagbo will decide to appeal this divorce decision, thus ending their marital relationship definitively.

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Mots clés: #Simone #Éhivet #Gbagbo #speaks #reconciliation #Laurent #Gbagbo

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