Société Générale Creates a New Agency to Support SMEs

Providers of jobs and wealth, SMEs deserve special attention. Despite their preponderance, they face many challenges such as lack of access to financing.

To alleviate the difficulties they face, Société Générale Côte d’Ivoire (SGCI) has dedicated an exclusive window to them.

This is the “Maison des PME”, an entity designed exclusively to meet the needs of SMEs, which was created this Thursday, July 11, 2019. This is an agency intended to bring together different actors involved in financing of these companies in order to offer them an offer more suited to their needs.

This project, the third of its kind after Burkina and Senegal, is a big boost in making Côte d’Ivoire an emerging country by 2020.

Souleymane DIARRASSOUBA, Minister of Industry, Trade and Promotion of SMEs welcomed this great initiative, reiterating the ambitions of President Alassane Ouattara for SMEs.

Ivory Coast: Société Générale creates a new agency to support SMEs

“July 11 marks an important page for the future of SMEs with the opening of a house dedicated to them. The growth of Ivorian SMEs is essential as a strategic element in the diversification of the economy according to President Alassane Ouattara’s plan. »

Initiator of the project, the general director of the SGCI Mr. Aymeric Villebrun maintains: “The main objective of the Maison des PME is to promote the emergence of a network of efficient Ivorian SMEs through the provision of structured products and services appropriate to their profiles and needs. We intend to continue to fully play our role as a facilitator of business development and growth.”

In its new strategy, Société Générale Côte d’Ivoire has chosen to open up even more to SMEs. The establishment has made available to this category of business a financing line of 350 billion FCFA over the period 2019-2022. The objective is to grant 450 billion FCFA by 2023.

As a reminder, at the end of 2018, Société Générale achieved a net profit of 42 billion FCFA, an increase of 5% in 1 year.

Note that SGCI supports around 4,000 companies on Ivorian soil.

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Mots clés: #Société #Générale #Creates #Agency #Support #SMEs

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