SOFRECO Recruits 01 Head of Mission Salesperson

SOFRECO recruits 01 Head of Mission Salesperson

Head of Mission, Benin (Cotonou)


Contract: Long-term

Application deadline: 04/07/2019

Location: Benin (Cotonou)

Project: Recruitment of a consultant for the supervision of the construction works of the Distribution Lot B project

SOFRECO is looking for a Head of Mission for a major works supervision project.

The works include:

Construction of the 63/15 kV GIS substation in Gbèdjromèdé

Construction of the 63/15 kV GIS substation at Croix-Rouge

Construction of the 63/15 kV GIS substation in Cim Benin

Extension of the 63/15 kV Akpakpa substation

Arrangements of SBEE stations for SCADA/DMS dispatching

Construction of the 63/15 kV GIS substation in Fidjrossè

Construction of the 63/15 kV GIS substation at the Airport

Construction of the 63/15 kV GIS substation at Ancien Pont

Extension of the Tanzoun 161/63/20 kV source substation

Construction of the 63 kV Vèdoko-Gbedjromèdé underground link

Construction of 15 kV lines around the new 63/15 kV Gbedjromèdé substation

Construction of the 63 kV Gbedjromèdé-Croix-Rouge underground line

Construction of 15 kV lines around the new 63/15 kV Red Cross substation

Construction of the 63 kV underground Red Cross – Cim Benin link

Construction of the 63 kV Akpakpa – Cim Benin underground link

Construction of the 63 kV Vèdoko-Fidjrossè underground link

Construction of 15 kV lines around the new 63/15 kV substation in Fidjrossè

Construction of the 63 kV Vèdoko-Airport underground link

Construction of 15 kV lines around the new 63/15 kV substation at Aéroport

Construction of the 63 kV Fidjrosse-Airport underground link

Construction of the 63 kV Vèdoko-Ancien Pont underground link

Construction of the 63 kV Ancien Pont-Akpakpa underground link

Construction of the 63 kV Cim Benin – Sèmè underground link

Construction of the 63 kV Sèmè – Tanzoun underground link

The Head of Mission will be responsible for the smooth running of the project, from the execution studies to the end of the guarantee period. The duration of the assignment is 22 months full-time on-site, plus 12 months remote/part-time during the warranty period. The start of the mission is scheduled for October 2019.


Professional electrical engineer or related field with the equivalent of a Master’s degree (BAC+5 years), justifying 20 years of international experience in fields relating to the design, construction and management of energy distribution systems electric.

Have a solid previous experience as a Team Leader in the satisfactory coordination and management of a heterogeneous group of professionals carrying out projects of a nature and complexity similar to the present assignment.

Must have acquired, within the last ten years, specific experience in the management and supervision of the construction works of at least three electric power projects of similar size and complexity, preferably in Francophone sub-Saharan Africa

Knowledge of project planning

Proficiency in spoken and written French

Knowledge of English would be an asset

Communication skill

Personal discipline and sense of organization

Ability for technical writing and knowledge of the technical vocabulary of the discipline

Applications that do not strictly meet the required criteria will not be considered.

Mots clés: #SOFRECO #Recruits #Mission #Salesperson

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