Some Countries Are Preparing To Adopt The Single Currency In 2020

Ivorian President Alassane Ouattara has been visiting Paris for a few days. This July 9, 2019, he had an interview with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron.

At the end of his meeting, Alassane provided details concerning the project of adoption of the single currency by the States of West Africa.

Asked by Jeune Afrique, the Ivorian president said that some are ready to use the new ECOWAS currency.

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has adopted a single currency called Eco, which it plans to launch by 2020.

Eco was adopted on Saturday in Abuja at a meeting of the regional bloc of 15 member countries.

“It depends on the will of each state. Côte d’Ivoire, which is one of these countries, meets the convergence criteria for 2020, others meet them. We are ready but many countries do not meet them,” he said.

According to him, “the convergence criteria should be met by all the countries before going there”!

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