Soon A Connected Ring At Samsung

Already having a varied range in the field of wearables, Samsung could add a connected ring. This new product will probably be launched under the name of Galaxy Ring and its main role will be to provide health functions. Even if these attributes clearly join those of connected watches and bracelets, the ring will have its particularities.

A more efficient connected watch

According to the Korean site The Elec, Samsung is currently working on the first prototype of its connected ring. The Japanese company Meiko would be responsible for producing the printed circuits that will make this accessory work. But this additional information only supports the point. Indeed, we have known for a while that the trade name Galaxy Ring was registered by Samsung in the United States.

The description then indicated that the connected ring will have health-oriented functions. Different sensors will therefore be integrated to collect data on users. The principle will not be too different from that of connected watches, but the ring could offer more precision. In addition, it could serve as a health accessory for those who are not interested in watches or bracelets.


However, these connected rings could come up against functional problems such as weak blood flow in the fingers. But the Galaxy Ring project is only in its pilot phase, improvements should allow the accessory to perform its functions effectively.

Present and future competitors

The first prototype of the Galaxy Ring is still in development. After the presentation of the latter, the company could possibly decide on its mass production and marketing. In this case, Samsung will become one more competitor in a market already occupied by Oura, Aeklys or even Movano Ring. The company will nevertheless have a head start with its ecosystem since it already has a very large user base with the marketing of smartphones and tablets.

Its success could also encourage other phone manufacturers like Apple to get started. It should be noted that the Cupertino company is the market leader in connected watches and that the name Apple Ring has already circulated in 2015 following a patent filing.

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Mots clés: #Connected #Ring #Samsung

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