Soon A Full Messaging Service On TikTok?

Oriented towards entertainment and a young user base since its launch, TikTok is trying to diversify in order to stay in the elite of social networks. After music streaming and text support, it seems that the platform is now turning to a feature that is often popular among its competitors. Indeed, TikTok could soon have a more elaborate messaging system.

The idea of ​​a TikTok messenger became persistent after job postings for engineers and product managers were floated by the company. The job titles that relate to the Android and iOS operating systems clearly show that TikTok could develop a messaging hub. The deals were first spotted by Axios, which reports repeated mentions of messaging among the details.

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For the Chief Engineer position, for example, it clearly read: “We are the messaging team of TikTok… Our team’s mission is to facilitate meaningful connections between users through the messaging experience of TikTok, which is still in its infancy. As for the backend manager, he will be responsible for collaborating with other teams “to provide a distinctive TikTok social solution, such as messaging”. So there is no doubt; messaging seems to be the next project for the flagship social network of the Chinese company ByteDance.

Long based on video, the work of creators and a very advanced recommendation algorithm, the platform is slowly migrating towards private interactions. However, it should be noted that TikTok has never been without messaging. The application does have a space where users can exchange, but the options remain very limited for a social network of this size. Finally, an innovation would be welcome for TikTok if its idea is to compete with Instagram or other social networks already offering more or less complete messaging.

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