The 10 Most Ridiculous Questions People Ask Africans Abroad

A few months ago, the Nigerian writer Chimamanda Adichie experienced an incident that ignited the web. A French journalist asked him “if there are libraries in Nigeria”. The young woman answered curtly: “I think it reflects very badly on the French that you ask me this question”.

The journalist tried to explain himself by saying: “We talk very little about Nigeria in France, certainly not enough, and when we do, the discussions are centered on Boko Haram and issues of violence and security. I would like to take advantage of your presence to talk about other things and subjects that we do not know about your country”.

It is clear that despite access to information via the Internet and increasing opportunities to travel outside the African continent, misinformation about Africa is still widespread. Misconceptions are usually highlighted by the questions Westerners ask Africans.

Here are 10 of the most ridiculous questions people ask Africans abroad:


1. Do you have libraries/internet/telephones/roads/cars//shops/schools/money in Africa?

Africa has everything that the other continents of the world have. Although the resources and tools are not available to everyone everywhere, many people are enjoying the benefits of contemporary living.

2. Do you have a lion as a pet?

Although big cats only exist in Asia and Africa, they no longer roam the continent as they once did. In fact, many Africans have seen and will never see a lion in their lifetime. The kings of the jungle are also under threat as poachers, cities and the environment harm their habitat in Africa.

3. Do you speak African?

With over 2,000 languages, no one, no matter how clever, can speak African. In Nigeria alone, more than 500 languages ​​are spoken.

4. Wow, you speak English so well. Where did you learn it?

English is the official language in more than a dozen African countries. These countries were former British colonies and English is taught in school and spoken at school, at work and at home.

5. What does Africa look like?

Africa is the second largest continent in the world and has 54 countries. It is impossible for a person to speak objectively about Africa. When an African speaks of Africa, it is perhaps in the spirit of Pan-Africanism.

6. You don’t look like an African. Are you mixed race?

Because the African is presented as a person with “frizzy-haired black skin”, many around the world believe that there is only one way to look African. Scientists have, however, officially declared Africa to be the most genetically diverse region in the world. It is therefore not possible that all Africans are alike.

7. Do you live with monkeys in the forest or do you have a pet monkey?

Many contemporary Africans barely encounter monkeys, let alone keep them as pets. Many monkeys live in the mountains and rainforests of Africa, and Africans only encounter them in reserves and zoos.

8. What are you doing here?

This question can be insensitive if not asked in the right context. Africans, like everyone else, have the right to immigrate and travel the world. An African may want to share the reasons for his trip, or not.

9. When did you get here?

This question is less ridiculous, but nevertheless worth mentioning. There is a growing number of Africans born outside the continent and many retain their African identity even though they were born elsewhere.

10. Are you from Africa?

Finally, yes, we come from Africa. But Africa is not a country.

Photo credit: facetofaceafrica

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Originally posted 2019-07-10 09:07:12.

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