The charges against the rapper

MHD, the president evokes the elements in charge

The trial of the famous rapper, which began on Monday, September 4, took a crucial turn as the incriminating evidence was presented in court. Twittos Juris Alerte, present in the room, reported the details.

The charges against the rapper

Suspicious wounds on the victim

During the hearing, the president pointed out the incriminating evidence, in particular the numerous wounds on the body of the victim, Loïc K. This discovery raises questions as to the possible rapper involvement in the murder.

Read also: MHD: The rapper summoned to the Assize Court for an alleged murder

Surveillance cameras reveal clues

The cameras of Paris, those of a restaurant, as well as those of the city of Paris made it possible to identify MHD at the scene of the crime, reinforcing the evidence for the prosecution.

Eyewitness and audio evidence

Several witnesses have claimed to have seen the rapper in the vehicle at the time of the crime. Audio recordings were also presented in court to support the charge.

DNA and distinctive signs

Read also: France: Rapper MHD taken into custody. The reason!

Investigators found the fingerprints DNA of the rapper in the vehicle used during the crime, corresponding to DNA discovered at the scene of the tragedy. Distinctive signs also contributed to its identification.

Phone turned off and vehicle ownership

A disturbing element is that the mhd phone was inactive at the time of the crime, fueling suspicions that it was intentionally extinguished. In addition, the vehicle used belonged to the rapper.

Despite these charges, the rapper maintains his innocence. If convicted, he could face up to 30 years in prison. The case continues to attract attention and we will keep you informed of further developments.

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Mots clés: #charges #rapper

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