The companion of Marwan Berreni (Plus Belle La Vie) breaks the silence and we are all devastated and worried.

We are all devastated and worried: the companion of Marwan Berreni (Plus belle la vie) comes out of the silence

Since the announcement of the departure of Marwan Berreni from the famous French television series “Plus belle la vie”, his fans have been confronted with strong emotions. But beyond his admirers, there is a person more affected than anyone: his companion.

In a recent testimonial, Marwan Berreni’s girlfriend broke her silence and shared her sense of devastation and concern over her partner’s decision to leave the show.

The lives of actors in television series are often closely linked to their characters, especially when they play them for long years. Marwan Berreni, who played the role of “Abdel” for almost a decade, has become a member of the family for thousands of viewers across France and beyond.

According to his partner, who preferred to remain anonymous, this news was a shock. She described the moment Marwan told her of his decision as “very difficult”. She also shared her worries about the actor’s professional future and the impact it could have on their personal lives.

She said, “Marwan has worked hard all these years to build this character which has become an integral part of himself. I understand his desire to renew himself as an actor, but that does not make things less difficult for us”. She also added, “It’s a transition phase for him, and we have to deal with uncertainty and the unknown.”

Marwan Berreni’s companion also spoke about the reaction of fans of the series, who expressed their disappointment on social networks. She highlighted their unwavering support for Marwan and said he was very touched by this display of love and affection.

Despite worries and feelings of devastation, she remains positive about Marwan Berreni’s future. She said, “Marwan is a talented and versatile actor. I am convinced that he will find new opportunities and will be able to continue to amaze us with his talent”.

In a recent interview, Marwan Berreni confirmed that he has many projects underway and is looking forward to new challenges. He expressed his gratitude to the audience and said, “I had the chance to portray Abdel for so many years and I thank the viewers for their support and love. But it’s time for me to explore new horizons and grow as an artist”.

As Marwan Berreni prepares for a new phase in his career, his partner will be by his side, ready to encourage and support him in his choices. Fans of “Plus belle la vie” will also be there, both sad to see such an endearing character leave, but also impatient to discover the new projects of their favorite actor.

Ultimately, this transition period is a reminder that actors are not just fictional characters, but also human beings with personal aspirations, dreams, and goals. We must support and respect their decisions, even if it means having to say goodbye to someone dear to us.

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Mots clés: #companion #Marwan #Berreni #Belle #Vie #breaks #silence #devastated #worried

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