The Date Of The Fight Is Already Known

While we thought the idea of ​​the Mark Zuckerberg VS Elon Musk fight was buried, the latest exchanges between the two men suggest the opposite. Indeed, the boss of Meta and that of Twitter would already agree on certain conditions. The terms of the confrontation therefore surface and a date has even been mentioned.

A resurfacing sea serpent

Will we really see an MMA fight between Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk? The two billionaires are nevertheless doing everything to raise the hype around this still hypothetical event. Remember, last June, Elon Musk offered a fight to Mark Zuckerberg against a backdrop of rivalry between their platforms Twitter and Threads. The CEO of Meta then accepted the offer and the situation quickly got carried away.

A lull had set in after a few days, but the idea of ​​the fight has become lingering in recent hours. Indeed, Elon Musk has resumed hostilities by offering his rival to broadcast the fight live on X, which has just found this functionality. The latter also suggested that the proceeds generated be donated to charity. After all, what could be more normal for billionaires?

The proposal did not leave a marble Mark Zuckerberg who responded by suggesting the date of August 26 for the confrontation. There was then no formal response from Elon Musk, but as a perfect troller, he was content to publish gifs to tickle his rival. Furthermore, Mark Zuckerberg offered another platform for the broadcast, indirectly alluding to Twitter’s problems. “Shouldn’t we use a more reliable platform that can raise funds for charity? ” did he declare.Musk Zuckerberg doingbuzz fight

Read also: Mark Zuckerberg hides his children’s faces on Facebook and disappoints Internet users

Will we finally be entitled to this fight?

Even with all the fuss, it’s possible that this fight will never happen. Indeed, the two billionaires and especially Elon Musk are buzz experts. It is possible that their primary intention is to promote their respective platforms. We can actually see that Mark Zuckerberg only uses Instagram or Threads to respond to his rival who remains camped on Twitter.

Finally, it should be noted that other clues can lend credibility to the conduct of the fight. We can cite for example the repetitive training of Elon Musk with professionals in the field like George Saint-Pierre. As for Mark Zuckerberg, he is already known as being a boxing enthusiast and is frequently in the company of certain champions of the discipline.

Read also: Mark Zuckerberg trains for clash with Elon Musk in ‘caged match’

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