The Daughter of Bazoum Calls for Resistance for Democracy

Since his dismissal in a coup on July 26, Nigerien President Mohamed Bazoum has refused to be defeated. In a moving open letter published in Le Figaro, his daughter, Zazia Bazoum Mohamed, residing in Paris, declares that her father is “determined to defend democracy” despite his situation as a prisoner in the presidential palace.

Zazia Bazoum Mohamed spares no effort to plead her father’s cause. It demands his immediate release and the “restoration of constitutional order” in Niger. She recalls with pride that her father was democratically elected, representing the choice of the people. According to her, he had a positive impact on the national and international scene.

Read also: “I demand the release of President Mohamed Bazoum”

Anti-Corruption Legacy

President Bazoum embodied the fight against corruption and bad governance. It has contributed to significant economic advances. Her daughter emphasizes her constant commitment to these values, even in the most difficult times.

Niger: Bazoum's daughter calls for resistance for democracy

Despite his captivity and that of his family, Mohamed Bazoum maintains his democratic convictions. He resists military regimes and remains a fervent defender of democracy. Zazia Bazoum insists on her desire to preserve democracy not only for Niger, but also for the entire Sahel and West Africa.

The perpetrators of the coup justify their action by citing the “deterioration of the security situation”. However, Zazia Bazoum Mohamed rejects these motives as “totally fallacious”. She also denies any link between the hostage-taking and the current situation.

Faced with pressure for the release of Mohamed Bazoum, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is calling for his return and immediate release. However, the military in power refuses to give in. Despite threats of military intervention, the diplomatic route favored by ECOWAS has not yet succeeded.

Zazia Bazoum Mohamed raises a relevant question: Niger was to become an oil exporter in three months. She suspects that the current situation could be linked to this prospect of wealth. However, she assures that this oil wealth will benefit the Nigerien people as a whole and will not be monopolized by an elite.

→ READ ALSO: Niger: 7,000 African migrants stranded

→ READ ALSO: Concern in Niger: The salaries of civil servants on hold

→ READ ALSO: Niger: ECOWAS refutes the 3-year transition

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