The Gboard keyboard will soon integrate an AI proofreading tool

Gboard is arguably the most used keyboard on Android smartphones. In addition to its default integration, the keyboard also has some great assets that make it the favorite of users. Its capabilities could therefore reach a new level with the upcoming integration of a proofreader/corrector powered by generative AI.

Gboard already integrated an automatic correction or suggestions functionality, but it was limited and its use sometimes posed problems. With generative AI, everything becomes more practical for those who are used to typing long texts with the Google keyboard. The new feature called “Proofread with Gboard” was recently spotted among some beta testers.

Its role will obviously be to eliminate all grammatical, spelling or conjugation errors found in a given text. The tool will be usable via a simple button to press when you need a correction. Then, the AI ​​will be able to analyze the text in order to spot all kinds of errors and even when it comes to bad syntax.

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The next step will obviously be the correction which the user can do selectively based on the suggestions. Additionally, an autocorrect option will be available to correct the text overall. However, it should be noted that the beta version of the proofreading feature only offers English currently. However, there is no doubt that the keyboard will soon adapt to all languages ​​including French.

It should also be specified that the corrected texts may be evaluated in order to improve the service. In addition, Google specifies that they will be sent to its server. The aim of this maneuver is to continue training the AI, but the company ensures that confidentiality rules are respected and that the data will be deleted after a short delay.

Finally, the replay functionality is effectively added to the long list of AI tools that are present or will arrive in Google products. Recently, automatic translation as well as AI writing was added to Gmail, which is another flagship application of the group.

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Mots clés: #Gboard #keyboard #integrate #proofreading #tool

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