The Hilarious Confession About Her Sailor Son

His funny confidence about his son Marin

Marin was an amazing boy. At only six years old, he already had an extraordinary personality. He was funny, creative and full of energy. He was fearless and always ready to take on new challenges.

One day, when I was coming home after a long day of work, Marin came to find me with a big smile on his face. He clearly had something to tell me. I made myself comfortable on the couch, listening to him attentively.

“You know mom, I had a very interesting conversation with my imaginary friend today,” he told me seriously.

I was curious to know what could be going on in my son’s mind. ” Really ? What did you discuss with your imaginary friend? I asked her.

Marin cleared his throat and took a deep breath before answering. “Well, Mom, today my imaginary friend confessed to me that he was actually an alien from the planet Zorbalon. He told me that he came to Earth to study human beings and understand how they work”.

I was flabbergasted by this confidence. My son, telling me that he was communicating with an extraterrestrial, it was an astonishing revelation to say the least! “And how do you talk to him?” I asked him, perplexed.

Marin looked at me as if the answer was obvious. “I’m talking to him in my head, mom. Aliens are very technologically advanced, you know! »

I wasn’t sure how to react to this extravagant information. Should I play along and ask him for more details about his imaginary alien friend? Or should I give him a rational explanation of children’s imaginations?

Eventually, I decided to make a compromise between the two approaches. “It’s fantastic, dear, to have such a special imagined friend. Listen to him and learn all you can from him, but don’t forget to do your homework and help around the house,” I tell him with a knowing wink.

Marin seemed satisfied with my answer and went to play with his imaginary alien friend. I wondered if this overflowing imagination would influence his dreams for the future. Perhaps he would become an astronaut or a scientist in order to unravel the mysteries of space.

In the end, this funny confidence reminded me how wonderful it is to see the world through the eyes of a child. Their boundless imaginations can take them on incredible adventures, even if it’s intergalactic friendships. As long as it doesn’t stop them from growing up and learning about the realities of our world, I’m ready to encourage my son’s creativity and embrace his quirky confidence.

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Mots clés: #Hilarious #Confession #Sailor #Son

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