The host called to start producing porn movies

Ivorian host Khady Touré recently shared a strange message she received on her page Facebookarousing the astonishment of his followers.

An unusual message to Khady Touré

In this unusual message, a certain Wilfried expresses a singular desire: to become an actor in films for adults. In an unusual tone, he asks Khady Touré to create an adult film production house, saying that there are a large number of competent people ready to embark on this particular cinematic path.

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Wilfried goes further by declaring that his vocation as an actor in adult films is linked to his destiny. The message he shared with Khady begins as follows: “Hello my star. I am Wilfried and I want to be an actor of porn movies. I know this is not your domain. But please, create a porn production house because many of us want to do it and we are extremely competent. I know it’s my destiny to be an X actor. Help me distinguished. »

The boiling web

This unexpected and disconcerting request raised questions among Internet users and Khady Touré fans. The call for the creation of a production house for films for adults, accompanied by the motivations expressed by Wilfried, captured the attention of the curious.

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This strange request raises questions about Wilfried’s personal motivations and how the host will react to this particular solicitation. While the career ofadult film actor is a very specific and controversial area, this request highlights the varied and sometimes surprising film interests of some people.

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Mots clés: #host #called #start #producing #porn #movies

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