The Long March Of Stéphane Sessègnon With Benin

From our special envoy in Cairo,

After fifteen years in the national team, I am living my best moment in the selection. Stéphane Sessègnon was frankly moved, just after Benin’s feat against Moroccoin the round of 16 of the AFCON 2019.

Two days later, the midfielder regained his somewhat severe air. Sitting in a lounge in his hotel in Cairo, the Beninese looks straight ahead but rewinds the film of his often upset story with the “Squirrels”.

Debut against Samuel Eto’o

Stephane Sessegnon remembers his very first official match, June 6, 2004, in the CAN/World Cup 2006 paired qualifiers. If I remember correctly, it was in Cameroonsmiles the former member of Créteil, Le Mans, PSG and Montpellier (France). We had lost 2-1 but I have very good memories because it was against the ‘Lions’ of Samuel Eto’o, Rigobert Song, Geremi Njitap… There were all these Cameroonian glories. To start in selection against such a team, it was a great emotion. It remains a memorable day for me. It was magical “.

What followed was often less rosy, however. Benin won a place in the final phase only in 2010 and 2012. Participations which also resulted in eliminations in the first round. ” My motivation has always been the same in the national team, since my first match in selection until today “, However, assures the person concerned. Before admitting, however, that he had already thought about quitting everything. ” To be honest, it’s crossed my mind beforehe sighs. Not because it was getting hard. But because past working conditions were a little tricky. We did not necessarily feel the 100% professionalism around this national team. When it’s like that, you understand that, in the back of your mind, you’re wondering why you’re making so many sacrifices for nothing. “.

No regrets

Stéphane Sessègnon could also have regretted his choice. Born of an Ivorian father and having lived in Abidjan, he could have opted for the “Elephants” rather than the “Squirrels”. But the Beninese has never watched with jealousy the success of the neighbors of the sub-region. ” What is beautiful is to see a country like Togo, small in size, which manages to make a World Cuphe smiles. And then it gives ideas. This is the magic of football. It allows people from a country like Benin to dream, to think that they too may one day have their team present in major competitions. “.

So he decided to hang on, even when his club results, whether in France, England (Sunderland, West Bromwich Albion) and Turkey (Gençlerbirliği), were less convincing. ” The national team has changed a lot in all areas, whether in the management of the leaders or in that of the playershe explains. At the time, we had pure talents, good players, great players in the national team, but we hadn’t managed to win a match in the final phase. Today, even if we have not yet succeeded, we feel that work has been done, that there is real mobilization. Everyone is behind this selection “. He adds : ” It was difficult, of course. We haven’t competed in the CAN since 2010. But I remember all the work that has been done to get us back into this prestigious competition. It is a satisfaction. Coming back after so much waiting, in the best possible way, is what makes it even more magnificent. »

End clap in selection?

Stéphane Sessègnon therefore savors all the more the quarter-final of the CAN 2019 which is approaching, against Senegal. ” Being there is not revengehe nevertheless assures. But it is clear that it was long. Not just for me, but for our country and for Beninese football. We needed to overcome this ‘curse’ of going out every time in the first round “.

Now that the contract is completed, will the “big brother” of this Beninese selection retire internationally after CAN 2019? ” I don’t knowhe laughs. At 35, I am lucky enough to still be able to flourish. If I still have the legs, why not continue? Unfortunately, it is at this age that I live the best period of my career in the national team. So as long as I have the means to serve my country, I will do so with great pride. “.

Originally posted 2019-07-10 09:35:29.

Mots clés: #Long #March #Stéphane #Sessègnon #Benin

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