The Ministry of Commerce warns young people against this false opportunity

The Ministry of Commerce in Togo recently issued an alert regarding a bogus opportunity that targets the country’s youth. This initiative aims to warn young people and make them aware of the potential dangers of this scam.

According to the ministry, this false opportunity is presented as a promise of large and quick revenues. Young people are often targeted by ill-intentioned individuals who promise them that by investing money in supposedly lucrative projects, they can quickly improve their financial situation.

The ministry warns young people about the risks associated with this scam. He points out that this opportunity is actually a form of pyramid scheme, where early investors are paid with new entrants’ money. This inevitably leads to a system collapse, leaving the last investors with no return on their investment.

In its warning, the ministry insists that this type of fraud is illegal and subject to criminal penalties. It urges young people to be wary of promises of quick and large incomes, and to verify the legality and legitimacy of the opportunities presented to them.

The Ministry of Commerce also encourages young people to turn to legitimate employment opportunities and to train in promising fields. It highlights the various training programs and existing employment assistance schemes, in order to help them build a solid and lasting career.

Finally, the ministry calls for everyone’s cooperation in reporting suspected cases of scams of this kind. It encourages young people to report people who offer false opportunities and inform the competent authorities.

In conclusion, the Ministry of Commerce of Togo has taken measures to warn young people of the dangers of this false opportunity. By alerting them to the risks of pyramid fraud, the ministry hopes to protect young people and help them make informed choices. It also encourages young people to turn to legal opportunities and to train in promising fields.

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Mots clés: #Ministry #Commerce #warns #young #people #false #opportunity

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