The Root Causes of Conflict Escalation

Why Russia is attacking Ukraine: The root causes for the escalation of the conflict

The current situation in Ukraine is causing serious concern in the international community. Since Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014, the conflict has escalated, resulting in relentless fighting in the east of the country between Ukrainian forces and Russian-backed separatists.

To understand the reasons behind Russia’s attack on Ukraine, it is essential to examine the historical, political and geopolitical factors that have contributed to this escalation of the conflict.

First of all, it should be remembered that Ukraine has always been perceived by Russia as a major zone of influence. For centuries, the region that is now Ukraine was part of the Russian Empire and then the Soviet Union. After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, Russia lost some of its influence over Ukraine, which was seen as a humiliation by some Russian political circles.

Moreover, Ukraine is a strategically important country for Russia. It is a crossroads between Europe and Russia, and the country also has significant natural resources, including gas and oil. The annexation of Crimea allowed Russia to strengthen its grip on these resources and its control over the Black Sea.

Furthermore, Ukraine’s desire to draw closer to the European Union and NATO has exacerbated tensions between the two countries. Russia perceives this desire for Western integration of Ukraine as a threat to its national security. It fears that NATO will deploy military forces to its borders and that its influence in the region will be weakened.

Finally, it is essential to take into account the factors internal to Russia that have led to this escalation of the conflict. Since Vladimir Putin returned to power in 2012, Russia has adopted a more aggressive foreign policy, based on nationalism and the strengthening of its great power status. The annexation of Crimea was hailed in Russia as a victory, boosting Putin’s popularity and consolidating his power.

In conclusion, the reasons behind Russia’s attack on Ukraine are multiple and complex. Historical, political and geopolitical factors as well as internal Russian issues have all played a major role in this escalation of the conflict. It is essential that the international community continues to condemn these actions and to put pressure on Russia to find a peaceful solution to this conflict which has already claimed many victims.

Tags: Why Russia Attacks Ukraine

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