“The West Is No Longer The Sheriff Of Humanity”, Kemi Seba

The rise of the BRICS group marks the end of Western hegemony and its desire to impose its model on a global scale. Kémi Séba, a renowned pan-Africanist activist, underlines in an interview with Sputnik Afrique that the BRICS, made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, embody a multipolar vision of the world in response to the aspirations of the majority of humanity, which refuses to be subject to Western rules.

The exclusion of the French President from the BRICS summit, despite his request to participate, symbolizes this protest.

Read also: The Brics in search of expansion: Which countries will join the bloc?

Towards a multipolar world

The rise of the BRICS is redefining geopolitical balances. According to Kémi Séba, the BRICS oppose the influence of NATO and the Western oligarchy. This movement is beneficial for most of the world. While the West seeks to impose its standards, the BRICS embody a resistance, marking the end of Western rule. The absence of Emmanuel Macron at the BRICS summit is, for Kémi Séba, a historic act which testifies that the West is no longer the guarantor of the world order.

The destabilization in Libya and the disruption of the Sahel by the West have repercussions in Africa. French influence is questioned. Kémi Séba points out that the intervention in Libya has created chaos in the region, revealing Western imperialism. The rise of the BRICS represents an opportunity for Africa to free itself from Western domination. Kémi Séba also welcomes the ongoing dedollarization, stressing that the questioning of the CFA Franc is crucial for the monetary sovereignty of the continent.

The BRICS summit held in Johannesburg puts forward a multilateral vision of the world. Discussions on the enlargement of the group to new members, as well as on the creation of a common currency, testify to the will of these countries to define a new paradigm. More than 60 states from the Global South are taking part in this event, marking a major milestone in the evolution of international relations.

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Mots clés: #West #Longer #Sheriff #Humanity #Kemi #Seba

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