This is the country where Ali Bongo chose to go into exile

The political scene in Gabon was shaken by a historic coup d’état on August 30, marking the end of the Bongo dynasty in power. Ali Bongo Ondimba, who had led the country for more than a decade, was overthrown after being declared the winner of the August 26 presidential election.

The forces behind this coup were led by Brigadier General Brice Oligui Nguema, commander of the Republican Guard, and they quickly took control of the presidential palace in Libreville, ending the rule of the Bongo family.

Read also: Gabon: Ali Bongo on the verge of exile?

After the coup, Ali Bongo Ondimba was placed under house arrest at his home north of Libreville. However, a week after the reversal, a new twist occurred. Thanks to the mediation of Faustin-Archange Touadéra, mandated by the ECCAS (Economic Community of Central African States), Ali Bongo was authorized to leave Gabon if he wished to undergo medical examinations.

Where Ali Bongo Ondimba chose to settle down is of particular interest. According to our information, the former president has decided to go to Morocco, to Rabat. This decision is not without reasons, because Ali Bongo is known for his closeness to King Mohammed VI of Morocco. In 2019, when he suffered a stroke, Ali Bongo was treated in Morocco.

This close relationship with King Mohammed VI has led to speculation that Ali Bongo might choose to stay in Morocco after his medical treatment. However, it is still too early to confirm if this is the case, or if he is considering a return to Libreville after regaining his health.

→ READ ALSO: Gabon: Raymond Ndong Sima appointed 1st transition minister

→ READ ALSO: Gabon/ End of a 32-year reign: Marie-Madeleine Mborantsuo hands over the presidency

→ READ ALSO: Gabon: Ali Bongo on the verge of exile?

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