This Is What Putin Revealed To Assimi Goïta Regarding The Situation In Niger.

During their recent meeting in Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin had a frank and open conversation with his Nigerien counterpart, Colonel Assimi Goïta, on the current situation in Niger. The two leaders discussed the challenges facing the country, as well as the measures needed to guarantee Niger’s stability and future development.

In a joint statement released after their meeting, Putin expressed concern over the continued instability in the Sahel region, which also impacts Niger’s security. He stressed the importance of strengthening international cooperation to fight terrorism and extremism in the region, and pledged Russia’s support in this endeavour.

Putin also discussed the impact of the global economic crisis on African countries, especially on Niger. He admitted that the COVID-19 pandemic has had devastating consequences for the country’s economy, especially in the tourism, agriculture and energy sectors. The Russian President promised to explore possibilities for economic cooperation between Russia and Niger to help the country recover and develop in a sustainable way.

Regarding the democratic challenges facing Niger, Putin expressed his belief that political stability is essential to ensure the development and well-being of the country. He stressed the importance of an inclusive and peaceful dialogue between all Nigerien stakeholders to achieve lasting and consensual solutions.

The two leaders also discussed possibilities of enhancing bilateral cooperation between their countries. They raised the possibility of increased cooperation in the fields of security, energy, agriculture and education. Putin has offered scholarship programs for Nigerien students, to help them acquire the skills and knowledge needed to contribute to Niger’s development.

In conclusion, the meeting between Putin and Goïta was an opportunity for the two leaders to discuss the situation in Niger openly and constructively. Both countries are keen to deepen their cooperation and partnership, in order to overcome the challenges facing Niger and ensure a prosperous future for its people.

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